Seven Souls In The Skull Castle
Second Name:
Dokuro-jo no Shichinin, 髑髏城の七人
Japanese, English
Shun Oguri, Mirai Moriyama, Taichi Saotome, Hidenori Inoue, Kazuki Nakashima, Takanobu Kanazawa
Filmed live on stage in Tokyo, one of Japan’s leading theatrical troupes, GEKIDAN SHINKANSEN brings a new live-theatre style of film screening to moviegoers, as their popular stage performance becomes a cinema experience.
The year is 1590, the 18th year of the Tensho era.
After the demise of warlord ODA NOBUNAGA, Japan is about to be unified by TOYOTOMI HIDEYOSHI. However, one man in the Kanto region defies unification. That man calls himself TENMAOH (Mirai Moriyama) and leads the KANTO D
LA Eiga Fest 2013 (Los Angeles) Cine Matsuri 2014 (Washington D.C.) Samurai Geisha Fest 2014 (San Francisco) Asian Film Festival of Dallas 2014 (Dallas) Japan Fair 2014 (San Jose & Pomona)
Won "Audience Award" at Asian Film Festival of Dallas 2014
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