FILM REVIEW - DELKA: Stand-Up Tall or Fall

DELKA: Stand-Up Tall or Fall


DELKA: Stand-Up Tall or Fall


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Delka Nenkova, Bobak Bakhtiari, Will V. Moore, Brent David Fraser, Marlene Mc'Cohen, David Sterling, Seh Hyung Lee, Daisy Lang, Ralph Cole Jr., Jenna Willis, Gil Gex, Yuka Sano, Rahul Nath, Swati Kapila, Cristina Parovel, Anton Rivas, Claudia Abrego, Evangelos Themelis, James Tran, Nasko Atanasov, Arthur Grigoryan, Siri Dyal, Will V. Moore, Will V. Moore, Delka Nenkova, Delka Nenkova, Will V. Moore



A young gymnast immigrates from the Iron Curtain of Bulgaria finding liberation to the Land of the Free through an International psychedelic Traveling Circus.
Inspired by true events An immigration story of a gymnast from Bulgaria with a heart of gold and stars in her eyes. She is adopted into a traveling Circus of psychedelic characters after being raped and finds herself on a journey, to the Land of the Free Will she live her Dream? Or fail to escape the dogma of a man's world. An adventure of a you
Under 1M
Los Angeles New Wave International Film 2015 San Diego Black Film Festival 2016 Nice International Film Maker of World Cinema 2016 Madrid International Film Festival, ES 2016

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