FILM REVIEW - Elsinore









Rick Kelly, Natalie Brunt, Robert Newlon, Shoba Sreenivasan, Erik Knorr, 1997, Elsinore is a facility for the criminally insane. We are introduced to five of its inmates who inhabit this world behind a barbe, brutally abused her entire life first by her father and then by her husband, finds herself behind Elsinore's fence because she turned the tables on the man in her life and fatally bludgeoned him.
, a gentle giant, quelled an angry God by burning three people to death.

Artie Lavados smothered his elderly mother. Now his only att
, a small, lost, wispy child-like woman, murdered her baby in a fit of emotion to punish her mother for committing suicide. Now she searches for her child incessantly, refusing to accept that he is dead.

Dr. David Sanders
, a young psychologist, still trying to prove himself, is assigned to the facility and given the task of attempting to make "contact" with this paranoid and psychotic group.
, uncommunicative and resentful. They sit in emotional isolation unresponsive to attempts to draw them out.

In desper
, Sanders learns something of their background. Slowly, as more is revealed in riveting intensity and vivid flashback, his incomprehension turns to understanding and his disgust gives way to compassion. He deals with Lincoln's outburst at a Hallow, to form relationships, to trust, to care, to hope. As Sanders experiences the defining moment of each of the five's violence, he finds not killers but damaged people whose vulnerability touches his heart.

In dramatic and poignant moments
, each member of the group faces their past life - some are able to deal with this and make headway towards rehabilitation but som




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